Social Change Workshop Are you passionate about social change and a more sustainable future? Do you want to connect with like-minded people and researchers in the Lund region? Join us for a one-day workshop on May 6th, 2023 at the Auditorium SOL!

Our aim is to create a space for collaboration, exchange, and experimentation. We want to hear from you, the activists and changemakers, about your experiences and ideas for creating a more sustainable future. Creating change in society is difficult and challenging, and we do not have all the answers. But we believe that we can learn from each other and find useful ideas, tools and inspiration in each of our experiences and backgrounds.

Throughout the day, we will have various sessions where researchers will share their insights and facilitate discussions on different aspects of change. But don’t worry, we aim to keep the sessions broad and accessible to everyone. This can mean short talks followed by discussions, hands-on activities like crafting messages and strategies, or exploring example cases.

We welcome up to 50 participants from social activist groups, universities, and the general public. Let’s build bridges between researchers and activists, and be inspired by each other to create a more sustainable future!

Below you can find more information about the workshop, including the agenda, speakers, and how to register.


Start End Session With
9:00 9:15 Arrival & Check In
9:15 10:00 Keynote Catia Gregoratti
10:00 10:45 Fish Bowl Discussion NGO, Scientist, You
10:45 11:00 Break
11:00 11:45 Pro-environmental values: how to mold them into changing our behaviour Georgeis Tsiakiris
11:45 12:30 Creative artivism in an authoritarian context Cheryl Fung
12:30 13:30 Lunch -
13:30 14:15 Building peace and caring for the planet – an impossible utopia? Barbara Magalhaes Teixeira
14:15 15:00 Strategies and tactics of convergence for climate justice Salvatore Paolo De Rosa
15:15 15:30 Wrap-up -


The workshop will take place at the Auditorium SOL, located at the University of Lund. The address is Finngatan 1, 223 62 Lund. You can find more information about the premise here.

The room is located at the north end of the H building on the ground floor.


For lunch, we will provide a vegetarian lunch. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in the registration form. To minimize waste, please bring your own coffee mugs.

Sign Up

We kindly ask you to sign up so that we can minimize food waste. Please use the from below or visit the event page here.


The registration has now closed. But if this sounds like something you just do not want to miss, you are still welcome! Just make sure to bring your own lunch and fika, as we will not be planning with more people than signed-up.


If you have any questions, please contact Philipp Jonas Kreutzer by sending an email to