
Concepts, Technology, Innovation

Jonas Kreutzer

November 29, 2022

Learning Objectives

  1. Know different dimensions of sustainability and their implications
  2. Know how these dimensions interact with innovation
  3. Know how to approach sustainability assessment of innovation

Offer: Climate Fresk Workshop

What Is Sustainability?

Three Dimensions

Ecological Dimension


Model Representation Matters

Weak and Strong Sustainability

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Environment and Development 1987).

Sustainable Technology

Beemsterboer and Kemp (2016)

Methods for Technology Assessment

Objectification Perspectives Coproduction
Life Cycle Assessment Scenario Approaches:
Back- / Forecasting, Sensitivity Analysis
Special Versions of
Dialogue / Scenario Approaches
Cost Benefit Analysis Dialogue Approaches:
Delphi Method, Focus Group, Consensus Conference
Material Flow Analysis
Multi-Criteria Analysis

Adapted from Beemsterboer and Kemp (2016)

Sustainable Innovation


Beemsterboer, Sjouke, and René Kemp. 2016. “Sustainability Assessment of Technologies.” In Sustainability Science, edited by Harald Heinrichs, Pim Martens, Gerd Michelsen, and Arnim Wiek, 71–83. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
Environment and Development, World Commission on, ed. 1987. "Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Oxford University Press.
Michelsen, Gerd, Maik Adomßent, Pim Martens, and Michael von Hauff. 2016. “Sustainable DevelopmentBackground and Context.” In Sustainability Science, edited by Harald Heinrichs, Pim Martens, Gerd Michelsen, and Arnim Wiek, 5–29. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.